Rowanfield Junior School

Rowanfield Junior
Life at Rowanfield Junior School Life at Rowanfield Junior School Life at Rowanfield Junior School Life at Rowanfield Junior School Life at Rowanfield Junior School Life at Rowanfield Junior School Life at Rowanfield Junior School Life at Rowanfield Junior School Life at Rowanfield Junior School Life at Rowanfield Junior School Life at Rowanfield Junior School

SEND - Special Educational Needs and Disabilities 

Name of school SENDCo: Laura Williams

Contact details: Email FAO of LWilliams SENDCo

SEND policy

Our latest Ofsted inspection stated that:

'Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) receive caring support. Pupils' emotional needs are met very well.'

At Rowanfield we passionately believe that all of our children should be able to reach their full potential, regardless of their circumstances, race, gender or ability. We are fully inclusive school, our hard working team of staff supporting all children to reduce barriers to learning. We consider how to adapt our environment to support needs - this includes physical adaptation and the adaptation of the curriculum.

Our pastoral team provide additional nurturing, coaching and mentoring support as well as a number of personalised programmes to help some of our more vulnerable children unpick 'blocks' to their learning. They are also available for any child who simply needs someone to talk to. We are committed to ensuring that no child is discriminated against and that there is an equity to our offer irrespective of characteristics.

We also carefully plan support and interventions for all groups of children, including our more able and pupils with specific educational needs.

SENDIASS Gloucestershire - Support for Families

SENDIASS Gloucestershire provides information, advice and support on matters relating to children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND). The service is offered to parents and carers of children and young people aged between 0 and 25 years old.

SENDIASS provides free, confidential, impartial advice and helps parents play an active and informed role in their child’s education.

Find out more about SENDIASS here

School Nurse

School nurses work with children and young people aged from 5 to 19 in the community, whether they attend school or not.

Find out more about School Nurse here

Children and Young People's Services (CYPS)

CYPS Gloucestershire provides a comprehensive range of specialist emotional wellbeing and mental health services for all children and young people aged under 18 who are registered with a GP in Gloucestershire.

Find out more about Children and Young People’s Services (CYPS) here

Parent Courses

Parents and carers are really important in helping their children to develop and grow up well and it isn’t always an easy job. CYPS courses offer support on managing behaviour and input on positive discipline techniques. They aim to build on your strengths as a parent and help you to feel confident in solving problems. By taking part you will be promoting your child’s own self esteem.

Find out more about parent courses here

Holiday Activity and Food (HAF)

The Holiday Activity and Food (HAF) programme is funded by the Department of Education for those in reception to year 11 who receive income-related free school meals.

Find out more about Holiday activities and food programme (HAF) here

Face Family Advice

Face Family Advice was set up to help parents like you. With the stresses and strains of modern life, our children and young adults have never been under more pressure. We aim to offer advice, tips and support to parents who want to get the best out of their family relationships and need new tools to do that.

Find out more about Face Family advice here

Other SEND information and documents 

Click here to see our latest SEND Report 2024

Click here for more information on our Graduated Pathway.

Click here for more information on our Accessibility Plan.