Rowanfield Junior School

Rowanfield Junior
Life at Rowanfield Junior School Life at Rowanfield Junior School Life at Rowanfield Junior School Life at Rowanfield Junior School Life at Rowanfield Junior School Life at Rowanfield Junior School Life at Rowanfield Junior School Life at Rowanfield Junior School Life at Rowanfield Junior School Life at Rowanfield Junior School Life at Rowanfield Junior School

GLA Early Help Strategy

The aim of Early Help is to clearly identify when and how children will be supported and safeguarded to ensure their needs are met.

Our schools are committed to safeguarding children and promoting their welfare. We ensure that children who need additional support are identified at the earliest possible stage and that we work with them, their families and outside agencies, in a collaborative manner, to prevent any risks reaching a crisis point.

Children have different Levels of Need at different times across a range of situations. It is important to take all needs into consideration when determining support required and professionals to be involved.

This table identifies levels of need, how the school provides a service or works with other services and what community provision is available to ensure there is a coordinated, early and effective response:


Children’s Need

School Provision

Community Provision

1. Universal:

Children making good overall progress in all areas of development. Living in a protective environment where needs are recognised and met. No additional support beyond that which is universally available

Our curriculum develops the qualities and attributes pupils need to thrive as individuals, family members and members of society.  Our vision** detailed below underpins our commitment to the holistic needs and welfare of all of our children

Children can access our Puzzle Room (Pastoral Room) and staff, the Pastoral Lead or the SENco wherever appropriate have a list of services accessible without a referral or an assessment 

2. Additional:

(a) children needing some additional support which may be related to health, educational or social development

(b) a coordinated response, through a multi-agency assessment using a Team Around the Child (TAC) or Team Around the Family (TAF) meeting  to assess and address these needs


Attendance Officer monitors attendance/punctuality and refers poor/late attenders to the appropriate body in school

Class teacher monitors demeanour, appearance and engagement as well as changes to this, in their pupils and refers their concerns to the SENco or DSL (Designated Safeguarding Lead)

Regular and frequent strategy meetings share concerns and decide next steps for our pupils.

School have clear procedures to log concerns and respond according to assessed need (CPOMS)

The expertise of relevant agencies is sought to provide a coordinated response by convening  a TAC/TAF meeting and/or speaking to families


  • School Nurse/Health Visitor/GP
  • CAMHS (Children & Adolescent Mental Health Services)
  • Speech and Language Therapy Service
  • Families First Team
  • Gloucestershire Children’s Safeguarding Board
  • CCP; Cheltenham Community Partnerships
  • Teens in Crisis
  • Family Contact Centres


3. Intensive:

Needs that are chronic and enduring, where children are highly vulnerable and living in the greatest level of adversity. This will necessitate an integrated assessment and plan with a Lead Professional coordinating the support which, in turn, may necessitate specialist assessment and support from a range of agencies

This is needs led, in that a plan is created with all agency involvement led by Social Care. Child Protection or Child in Need plans are regularly reviewed. Child Protection is within 18 days and Child in Need is within 8 weeks


DSL Designated Safeguarding Lead)requests Social Care involvement through the Multi Agency Service Request Form

DSL or representative engages in multi-agency response as led by Social Care

Access to MARAC minutes (Multi-Agency Risk Assessment Conferences) detailing how school needs to respond

Social Care: Children in Need plans or Child Protection Plans.  School is a member of the Core Groups and trained representatives attend these and the conferences.

SENco refers to agencies regarding special educational needs (SEN) for further assessment or to request an EHCP assessment

As above as well as:

  • Children’s Social Care
  • Police (telephone 101)
  • Specialist health services
  • Advisory Teaching Service (Glos)
  • Educational Psychology Service
  • Children’s Centres
  • Community Paediatricians
  • Families First Plus/Targeted Family Support
  • MASH; Multi Agency Safeguarding Hubs
  • Sexualised Harm Team
  • Self-Harm Team
  • Housing Officers
  • Family Mediation Service
  • GDASS (Gloucestershire Domestic Abuse SupportService)
  • Triple P/Solihull Parenting Courses
  • have services to which schools can refer or can signpost this to parents

4. Specialist:

Children are at immediate risk of significant harm. This is the most urgent category requiring an immediate referral to social care or intensive specialist service as there are serious concerns over health care or development of children.


DSL Designated Safeguarding Lead ) requests Social Care involvement, through the Multi Agency Service Request Form emailed directly to the Gloucestershire Children’s Safeguarding Board

Or complete a Cause for Concern form and email directly to the Worcestershire Children’s Safeguarding Board

DSL contacts relevant community provision


As above as well as

  • Police (telephone 999)
  • Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub
  • Gloucestershire Children’s helpdesk 01452 426565
  • Emergency Duty Teams
  • have services to which schools can refer or can signpost this to parents
GlosFamilies Directory Early Help Information