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- Personal, Social, Health and Citizenship Education (PSHCE)
- Relationship (Sex), Health Education (RSHE)
Personal, Social, Health and Citizenship Education (PSHCE)
Our Personal, Social, Health and Citizenship Education Programme of Study is based on the the Gloucestershire Healthy Living and Learning (GHLL) People in the Know (PinK) curriculum.
It has been has been written by the Healthy Living & Learning team of Lead Teachers to meet the holistic needs of all children and young people.
Its aim is to support the development of the necessary skills and knowledge that our children need to lead a happy, safe, healthy life. This encompasses topics such as Healthy Eating, Emotional Health and Well Being, Financial Capability, Drugs (including Alcohol) and RSE (Relationship and Sex Education).
We also have a whole school focus through the year on Anti-bullying and Mindfulness as well as ongoing programmes led by the pastoral team to support individuals and groups.