Rowanfield Junior School

Rowanfield Junior
Life at Rowanfield Junior School Life at Rowanfield Junior School Life at Rowanfield Junior School Life at Rowanfield Junior School Life at Rowanfield Junior School Life at Rowanfield Junior School Life at Rowanfield Junior School Life at Rowanfield Junior School Life at Rowanfield Junior School Life at Rowanfield Junior School Life at Rowanfield Junior School

Parent Charter - Home to School agreement

Being 'dazzling' at Rowanfield involves the whole community. Our partnership with parents and carers is key to ensuring that children understand the value of learning and can fully benefit from all that school has to offer. 

Our parent 'Home to School agreement' clearly sets out the expections of adults so that we can can work together to model the behaviour we would like to see from our young people and the responsibilties parents have regarding school life. All parents must agree to and sign this charter when they decide to send their child/ren to Rowanfield. 

Parents/Carers – I/We will


  • Encourage my child to set challenging goals and support them in achieving them.


  • Model and teach my child ‘resilience’.


  • Ensure my child attends school daily. If they are unable to attend due to illness, contact the office on the first morning of their absence.
  • Support my child in completing and handing in their homework on time (see back of booklet). Provide a quiet space for them to complete it.
  • Support my child in reading regularly and send in their book daily (see back of booklet). Provide a quiet space for them to read at home.
  • Attend all parent information evenings.
  • Send my child to school wearing the correct uniform daily, including the correct footwear. Provide my child with the correct kit and equipment.
  • Treat all staff with respect.
  • Ask when/if I need support.


  • Recognise and celebrate my child’s achievements.
  • Recognise and celebrate the different religions, cultures and beliefs of the school.
  • Encourage my child to attend at least one extra curricular each year.

Your ideas, opinions and participation are important to us, hence the provision of a whole range of communication tools and events planned throughout the year. Please ask Miss Tyler for more information if you'd like to become a 'Parent Champion' as part of the Community Committee.