Year 5
Introducing the Team...
Miss Clutterbuck - Class 16 teacher and Year Group Leader
Mr Tomlinson - Class 17 teacher
Mrs Griffiths and Mr Harwood - Class 18 teachers
Mrs T Savage, Mrs D Bacon, Miss O Fry and Mrs N Jones - Teaching Assistants
Start and End of Day Routine
Children in Years 5 and 6 can arrive onto the main playground (top gate entrance) from 8.30am. Classroom doors will open from 08:45am and the top gate will stay open until 8:55am. The top gate and playground are supervised by SLT during this time.
When the children enter the classroom there will be a morning task set for the children. This might be responding to written feedback from the previous Maths or English lesson; finishing off work; completing some Arithmetic work; Grammar work; or they will be given time to read to help support them in hitting their reading target.
Children are also welcome to attend Breakfast club at 8.15am or 8:30am (via main office entrance) where toast, crumpets and juice are provided free of charge and is open to all children.
The top (junior) gates open again 3:05pm for the end of the day. Please ensure you update Arbor with permissions for children to be able to walk home alone.
Year group information re: PE/Games, Forest School & Homework
Overview of the CurriculumYear 5 Curriculum Overview
Homework Expectations
In Year 5, children are expected to read for at least 4 times a week. Please can this be recorded in their reading records daily. This is a crucial element to the children’s progression in school.
Maths and Spelling Homework is sent out on a Thursday and due in on a Monday. We will have a spelling test every Monday and record scores to track progress. Please make sure your child is practicing these spelling words each week.
Year 5 children will be given a termly Spelling overview with all of their spellings for the term. If your child requires a new Spelling overview please speak to your child's teacher.